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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Homemade Girl Scout Thin Mints

Rumbly in my Tumbly has moved!

To be directed to this recipe on my new site, please click on the link below. Sorry for the inconvenience!


Anonymous said...

Theyre Beautiful.

Shannon said...

Thank you!

Christy Griffith said...

You have captured all of my favorite GS cookies...are we soul mates??

Shannon @rumblytumbly.com said...

:) Christy, we quite possibly are. I blame girl scout cookies for at least 20 of the lbs I gained when I was pregnant with my daughter.

Anonymous said...

you should find a recipe to post of thank you berry munch. its my fav gs cookie. it has realy sweet cranberrys in it.

Shannon said...

I will look into adding Thank You Very Munch cookies to my GS recipe collection. Thanks for visiting!

Brittany said...

This is a fantastic recipe! I just made them heart shaped for Valentine's day.

I used semi-sweet chocolate and mint flavoring for my chocolate coating. They turned out tasting a bit dark chocolately and more minty than the original. For an authentic taste I would maybe suggest using half bittersweet and half milk chocolate and only adding about 1/2 tsp peppermint flavoring.

Also, I found it easiest to roll them out between two silicone roll-pats lightly covered in flour.

Overall though, they were a huge hit and very easy!

Shannon said...

I'm so glad you liked them! Thanks for visiting and for the comment!

Joelle Smalt said...

These are amazing!!! I did find it much easier to use the icebox method vs the rolled cookie version. After kneading dough I simply rolled dough into logs, wrapped logs in wax paper, refrigerated till firm, and sliced the dough into 1/8" slices. Same result as rolling and cutting but for me this was much easier. Thanks for sharing a great recipe!
P.S. I used Lindt Excellence Intense Mint for my dipping chocolate... wonderful.

Shannon said...

Glad you enjoyed them. Thanks for the comment!

Suzanne said...

Wow, now maybe my husband won't need to buy a dozen cases of thin mints next time the girl scouts come knocking.

Shannon said...

True!My husband did not buy thin mints this year- a first for him! (of course, we bought other kinds of GS cookies- we just can't stay away.) :) Thanks for visiting.

Cristina Alimenta said...

Que buenísima pinta!!!!!!!! anotada queda la receta ;-)

Shannon said...

Alimenta- Gracias por tu visita! :)

Anonymous said...

My mouth is watering! I can't wait to try out the recipe :]

Shannon said...

You'll love them! Thanks for visiting!

Leaning on Grace said...

OK, mine were really crumbly. I haven't dipped them yet but I am afraid they are just going to turn to dust in the chocolate when I dip them! I tried rolling them out to 1/8" and then I did a batch rolled into balls. I will try one reader's suggestion of a log and cutting it (and cutting it a little thicker...maybe more like 1/4"). They TASTE wonderful, I am just not sure the consistency is gonna work for dipping!!

Shannon said...

This dough is REALLY crumbly and hard to work with. If it were any less crumbly, you wouldn't obtain the crunchy, airy feeling of a thin mint. Hope they worked out for you!

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